IO Group Data Analysis


David Hall


Invalid Date


This is a Quarto book containing the code and content for the Data Analysis TheRapy Sesssions with PNNL IO’s group. See the proteomics_therapy GitHub repo for version control of the project. If permitted, data is stored directly on the Repo, otherwise it’ll be on DMS. This means reproducing certain sections of code will require you to be on the PNNL network.

Note compiling will only work with .Renviron DATA_PATH pointing to the data_tujin_urine_ev onedrive folder on your local machine; see GitHub readme for details.

  1. This is a Quarto book; to learn more about Quarto books visit
  2. Each chapter is it’s own .qmd document; make sure to add it to the _quarto.yml
  3. Put all library calls and functions into _utils.R; include source("_utils.R") at the beginning of each chapter to make sure all chapters have the same libraries and functions.
    • this unfortunately means _utils.R is called when every chapter is compiled; increasing the time of global rendering.
  4. To Render the entire book, in the terminal enter: `quarto render
  5. After you can render individual chapters using the Render button in RStudio.
  6. Save outputs of longer r chunks to save time compiling book.
  7. The outputs are stored in docs folder.