Building Scalablast. ___________________ 1. Untar the scalablast tar ball into the directory you wish to install in. 2. To build the serial version of scalablast use the following commands. First connect to the directory you unpacked the tar ball into. Then set the environment variable CC to be the name of your c compiler (e.g. icc, gcc, pathcc, etc) according to your shell ie. setenv CC icc Then run the configure script: ./configure Finally build the Scalablastall serial executable. make 3. To build the parallel version if you first built the serial version move the executable to a file with a different name, and then do make real_clean in the top level directory (where you unpacked the tarball to). Otherwise from the top level directory, set the environment variable CC to be "mpicc" according to your shell: setenv CC mpicc Then run the configure script. ./configure And then build the parallel executable, Scalablastall: make This will build the Scalablastall executable. Running SCALABLAST: ___________________ Scalablast is an MPI based code so to run it you must launch an mpi job. This usually has the flavor of -N -n ./Scalablastall the is the name of your command to launch an MPI executable. Frequently it will be "mpi_run" or "mpi_exec" but may be as exotic as "srun --mpi=none". The -N and -n arguments are dependent the flavor of your , some may only have one or the other or some other method of specifying the number of resources you will run with. For the part one uses the normal blastall argument sequence with one restriction. The input and data base file names (-i and -d option values) must be different. When running a database against itself, you want to have a symbolic link or copy of the reference database to use for the query database name. In addition to the normal BLOWSUM62 file, the reference database file and the query files for blastall, Scalablastall requires an auxillary input file named The BLOSUM62 file and the file must be present in the directory you run the Scalablastall executable from. The BLOSUM62 file is found in the PAR_ncbi/ncbi/data directory in the directory into which you untarred the tar ball. Also in the directory where the tarball was extracted is an example sb_params.infile The sb_params.infile is a list of keyword value pairs (1 pair per line, with the value separated by 1 or more spaces from the keyword) that allow for runtime control of SCALABLAST. The keywords and their default values followed by a brief description are given below. Keword Default value Description: LOCAL_DIR /scratch/ This is the root name of a writable directory local to the node. The input reference and query files are copied to this directory. GLOBAL_DIR ./ This is the root name of a globally visible directory where the input files (reference and query fasta files) are expected to be found. OUTPUT_DIR ./ The directory into which output files (1 per client) should be placed. CORES_PER_NODE 8 This is used in the auto-sizing of memory usage for fasta and seqannot buffers. Normally the same as DISK_GROUP_SIZE, unless you are using globally visible input files. It should be set to the number of cores per node that you will actually run on. Default value is 8 for parallel version. Default value is 1 for serial version. Be careful not to set > 1 when running serial code. DISK_GROUP_SIZE 8 This value needs to be number cores per node being used. For example, if your mpiexec is set to run on only 7 of your eight cores per node you should set this to seven (not 8). In moving the files to a local disk, only every DISK_GROUP_SIZE'th mpi rank process is involved (starting at 0). TASK_GROUP_SIZE 0 Number of tasks (including 1 for the submanager) in a task group. Setting to zero lets this be set at runtime based on the size of the reference database. Task group size is taken to be 1 + number of chunks of reference_data buffer size it takes to contain the reference data or number of processes - 2, which ever is smaller). FIRST_SUBMANAGER 8 MPI rank of the first submanager process. This allows the master to run all by itself on a node so as to evenly map task groups to whole numbers of nodes. It must be >= 1 as manager rank is always 0. Termination: ____________ Scalablast frequently ends with MPI errors in the log/error files. this is expected as we use exit instead of calling MPI_Finalize due to experiences with calls to MPI_Finalize causing communication failure at large scale with some MPI flavors. Indication of a successful run is the "All tasks completed" message in the *.log.0 log file. If you see segmentation violations with out the "All tasks completed" message, it probably is due to not enough memory per core - try running fewer cores per node.