4.2 Conversion with AnnotationHub

## Install missing packages
if (!require("remotes", quietly = T)) install.packages("remotes")
if (!require("MSnID", quietly = T))

MSnID has a function called fetch_conversion_table that leverages AnnotationHub to create a conversion table.

# Create conversion table with MSnID::fetch_conversion_table
conv_tbl2 <- fetch_conversion_table(
  organism_name = "Rattus norvegicus", from = "REFSEQ", to = "SYMBOL"
head(conv_tbl2, 10)
##          REFSEQ SYMBOL
## 1     NP_443211   Asip
## 2     NP_036620    A2m
## 3  XP_038962922    A2m
## 4  XP_038962923    A2m
## 5  NP_001382591 Acaa1a
## 6     NP_036621 Acaa1a
## 7  XP_038936714 Acaa1a
## 8  XP_038936715 Acaa1a
## 9     NP_058682  Acadm
## 10 NP_001104565   Acly